Driving Business Results through Data Science

Content Personalization

With a large set of product offerings, customers often struggle to find the most relevant items. We profile your inventory and leverage customer activity data to increase customer engagement and decrease churn by presenting the most relevant content.

Customer Segmentation

Ad buys and direct marketing efforts are cost prohibitive without the right customer in mind. We analyze your current and potential customers to identify the highest value segments, which allows you to grow your customer base at a lower cost.

Dynamic Pricing

When your prices are too high, you lose business. When your prices are too low, you leave money on the table. We build models to dynamically adjust prices to respond to market conditions and maximize profit while respecting your business constraints.

Offer Matching Optimization

With a wide variety of potential customers and a limited supply of inventory, matching them to the right offers is a challenge. We match the right offers to the right customers to drive the most engagement and revenue.

Data-Driven Insights

Large sets of data are often difficult to decipher but have the potential to offer valuable insights. We help define the questions to ask and uncover actionable insights for your business.

Custom Data Pulls

Sometimes you just need to wrangle some unwieldy data. We quickly understand your enterprise data and efficiently gather it for you.

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